The Hans Family
Jeremy our leader and personal pilot, he holds both titles of Dad and undefeated wrestling champion. A constant reader he hasn’t found a problem that he isn’t interested in solving. He is our planner and has the kids convinced his job is going to lunch.
Heidi is a Registered Nurse but should have been an accountant. She keeps the trains running for the family and is the ultimate team player. The ultimate wife and mom, she takes on homeschooling and Jeremy’s off-the-wall ideas.
Lily is an excellent helper, a great big sister, and sometimes a self-imposed second mom. She can be smart and sassy but usually is leading the rest of the gang while negotiating for what she wants. She loves to dance, read, and make her parents crazy.
Dex is hard to impress but doesn’t miss anything. He is a great mixture of silly, athlete, and peacemaker. He is our homebody and can be incredibly serious when discussing the things he loves or has learned. A football guy, he can throw a ball for hours.
Max is sweet and sour, he loves to cuddle and sometimes cut your soul, it just depends on the minute. Sharp and always learning, he takes interest in whatever his siblings are working on. Max works on Max time. and loves to point out every time he sees his name.
Hux is our youngest but often fiercest. He collects bumps and bruises on his head like his life depends on it but doesn’t let them slow him down. He doesn’t mind following his siblings or playing by himself. Small but opinionated.